Saturday, March 15, 2014

Test post!

Friday, March 26, 2010

This blog has moved

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black and White

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Country Folks!

Here's my first article published with COUNTRY FOLKS, the New England edition! It dates back to June 2009...I hadn't been using my blog to showcase my work, but I promise this will change this year!

June 26, 2009 COUNTRY FOLKS

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sometimes I'm just a bystander...

...and I have to stay quiet and in the background. Who knows what kind of thoughts are running through her head? This is my favorite kind of photography, where I am allowed to stay out of the way and let the camera tell the story. There is something magical about being five, right on the edge of those wild early years where fantasy and life were all mixed up together, and also on the edge of reason and understanding...and fear.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Swimming, June 2007

I love all kinds of photography, but I particularly enjoy photographing sports. (Sports photography is excellent training for shooting weddings and portraits of toddlers!) I have done a bunch of different sports, but swimming is probably my favorite. My two older kids are competitive swimmers, but ironically, since parents are not allowed on deck, I don't often get a chance to photograph them! Here are a few shots from a meet we went to at Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. in June. I was shooting from the bleachers, which is usually a lost cause, except that the light was actually pretty good, and I used lenses that I could open up really wide. Another small detail, these are film shots! I normally shoot digital for sports, but my film cameras ROCK when it comes to fast action, so it was a pleasure. Apologies for the grain in the photos--this was high-speed film, and scanning tends to exaggerate grain:

Monday, August 21, 2006

Hi and Welcome!

Welcome to my blog! I hope to use this website as the center of my artistic and literary efforts, and to share my current work. If you are looking for my photography website, I'm at I will be using my blog to showcase whatever I am working on at the moment, so check back often....